I had an extra 20 minutes of snuggle time under my warm blankets today because I didn’t go into work until 8:30. I just laid in bed and listened to my kids having a conversation downstairs…yes, they are that loud in the morning! It’s funny to hear their conversations sometimes. DS must’ve woken up in a good mood because he made toast and PB for not just himself, but his sister, too. I’m actually surprised he was up by 6:30. I usually have to drag him out of bed at the last possible minute!
Here’s my morning eats!

-1/2 cup oat milk (it’s all gone now)
-1/2 cup water
-1/2 cup Quaker oats
-2 Tbsp wheat berries
-1/2 mashed banana
-1 Tbsp dried fruit

Another successful meal! I don’t have any picture proof, but I wanted to share with you what my hubby puts in
his morning oats. For the record, his bowl mortifies me! He does the whole microwave thing with 1 cup water, ½ cup oats. So far so good. Once he’s got that to his right consistency, he stirs in a glob of butter and a huge handful of brown sugar. Wait….it gets worse! He pairs it with toast and butter that he uses as a scoop!!!! Have I grossed you all out? Maybe some of you think this sounds really good. Who knows?! To each his own, I guess! He laughs at me when I make “EEWW” faces at his bowl.
I did end up buying that blueberry latte from 7-11 last night. I also ate this little brownie bite with it;

Now, if my cat’s could talk, they would probably rat me out and tell you that 2 more brownies found their way into my belly!
Getting on with things, I ate another pineapple oat bran muffin as a pre-run snack.

This was all that was left when I remembered about my camera! Like a good little blogger, I stopped eating and took a photo of my remaining piece.
I got my interval run in today! That keeps me on track with my plan to keep things a bit different each run. Monday was incline day, Tuesday was normal run day, today was intervals and tomorrow we’ll see! Here’s my stats:
Time: 35:06
Avg HR: 159
Max HR: 184
Calories Burned: 310
Distance: 3.34 miles
Good thing I never took my treadmill numbers are true ones because today’s readout said I burned 565 calories! HAHA! I wish!
Lunch will look very familiar to you….

Turkey sausage and steamed veggies minus the couscous because I ate it all last night! And because my sweet tooth was rearing its ugly head for most of the day, I finally caved and made myself a skinny mocha in my very large Starbuck’s tumbler. This was a mix of diet Swiss Miss, instant decaf coffee & hot water. That’s it!

I’m very proud of this mocha because it would have been super easy to grab some chocolate out of the vending machine and even easier to dowse it with cream. At least I drank this knowing that I wasn’t wasting the 310 calories I burned on my run.
I did some planning in advance last night and pulled a turkey breast out of the freezer to thaw overnight so it would be ready for the crock pot this morning. DD has skating lessons which have us leaving the house no later than 5:10 and I like for her to have a decent meal in her belly. Potatoes, carrots and about a ½ cup of chicken stock joined the breast in the crock. I spiced it up with some dried oregano, basil, coriander, cumin, Mrs. Dash Chipotle spice, salt & pepper. When I got back from the rink I made a delicious turkey sandwich;

This is gobble gobble on a toasted Arnold Thin with Sabra hummus and a Laughing Cow cheese wedge. Served up with a side of steamed edamame.
So. Good.
Before we left the house I ate an apple with a scoop of Mighty Maple PB.

Then I had a spoonful of PB straight from the jar. This is something that I would not do with regular old PB, but Mighty Maple is a whole different story!
And that my friends, is my day! I'm certain that a yogurt is in my near future as I'm craving a sweet something or other. Tomorrow is Friday!
WAHOO!! Nothing like the weekend to look forward to!!
Bye for now!!
Brownie + pineapple-oat bran muffin + steamed vegetables + apple with PB = holy yum!! :-)
ReplyDeleteHooray for the weekend being so close!! Enjoy.
mmmm....now I want brownies
ReplyDeleteScooping oats with toast - that's something I would do. Glob of butter in oats - not so much ;)
ReplyDeleteFab skinny mocha and Might Maple is definitely worth the spoonage!
THRILLLLLED for the weekend! I can't believe your honey's oatmeal-ucky! Maybe one day you'll convert him. I need to find a blueberry latte- it just sounds so awesome! Have a fabulous night
ReplyDeleteyay for the weekend!!!
ReplyDeletei love the description of your hubby's oatmeal...haha! you need to work on him...i did that to my brothers and my dad! yippee!!!
Its good to know people in Canada can support my cause as well! Thanks for the donation! You're the best. :)
ReplyDeleteThat's how we always ate oatmeal at home - dab of butter, brown sugar, and milk. My family still eats it that way, and I will too sometimes when I'm home. Mom always makes toast on the side, but not for scooping - that's just weird ;)
ReplyDeletebutter and brown sugar + toast on oatmeal??? that's creative!!! :D