On July 11th, my family and I will once again be participating in a fund raising walk called
Jessica’s Footprint: A Walk In The Park. This is a fun 5 km walk that Jessica’s parents (and many volunteers) have been organizing since she passed away just after her first birthday 6 years ago from a brain tumor. All proceeds go towards the pediatric brain tumor research at
Sick Children's Hospital in Toronto. To date the annual walk has raised $550, 000!!! Please
check out the website for more details and for Jessica’s story.
My son and Jessica were only 6 weeks apart, age wise and her death really hit home with us that this terrible disease can really happen to anybody, young or old. We also walk in memory of our own first born son,
Braeden.We’ve had so much fun at this event in the past and I take comfort knowing that my kids walk away with a sense of pride and the satisfaction that they’ve been part of such a caring community event. Here we all are at last year's walk;

Please consider
visiting my donation page and sponsoring us as we raise funds for such an important area of research. I’d sure appreciate if you could pass the word along as well.
Have a marvelous afternoon!!
What a great cause to raise money for! Wow Krista, your son Braeden's story is so touching. You are one amazing lady with an amazing outlook on life!