I woke up at a more decent hour of 7:30 this morning. While there’s nothing wrong with getting out of bed at 9am every now and again, I always feel like I’ve lost half the day when I do! When I looked out the window, I couldn’t see past my nose for the fog. And it was pouring. And then there was thunder and lightening….on the 27th of December. What the heck is with that???
I made a bowl of my eggnog oats for breakfast.
This ingredient combo never fails to tickle my taste buds! I’m going to be making a special stop at the grocery store where I found it to stock up on some more Vitasoy cartons before the seasonal flavours are gone!
I spent the rest of the morning organizing the presents under the tree. I like to leave everything under there for a few days before it get put away. This is what Pepper spent the morning doing…
Yes, that’s DD’s butt! I told him he’d better hope she didn’t toot!

All these goodies only cost me $30.00! Can't wait to try everything!!
By the time we got home it was pushing 1:30 and I was a starvin Marvin! I made a sandwich with an Arnold Thin, cranberry sauce, turkey, artichoke and lettuce.

Delish!! I also finished off the jello, but didn't photograph it because I've eaten it for the past 2 days! Finally, 2 clementines found their way to my mouth! No pic of them, either...
The afternoon was fairly uneventful. I caught up on some blog reading and cleaned up the house some. We have company coming over tonight so I more or less cleaned the rooms I know people will be in. I'm a cheater, I know! I really hate cleaning, though!
I made turkey vegetable soup for din din tonight. Are ya sick of seeing turkey yet??
I sauteed an onion, 2 cubed carrots, 3 ribs of celery, diced in some broth until they were soft. Next, I added about 5-6 cups of homemade turkey stock and brought everything up to a boil. In went a half cup of orzo and a can of lentils. That simmered for another 10 minutes or so and presto! Supper is served!

I sprinkled about a Tbsp of grated Parmesan cheese on top. Because i know there will probably be sweets floating around later, I ate 2 more clementines for my sweet end.
I was thinking today that when I have to get back into my normal routine, I'm going to pay for all this relaxing business that I've been enjoying! I had full intentions of getting a run in today, but it never did happen. Tomorrow we have brunch with my family on the agenda plus a 4pm hockey game and possibly dinner out with my sister in law. Let's see if I squeeze a workout in!!
Bye for now!!
You think YOUR weather is nuts - it's 65°F and humid here!! Craziness.
ReplyDeleteEggnog oats??? Mmm, mmm, mmm!!!
Oh my, Pepper is TOO FREAKING ADORABLE!! And the caption underneath the photo made me laugh out loud, haha :-D
Have fun at the brunch tomorrow!!
Love the photo!! What a cute little addition to the family- and great deals on those kitchen goodies! YUM...I totally throw stuff into one room, and shut the door if people are coming over..haha shh..
ReplyDeleteThe weather has officially gone insane!! It was almost 60F here when just last week it was 2F!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite form of quick cleaning is shove everything in the closet and shut the door :)
Have a great day tomorrow!!
omg i love pepper and dd :)
ReplyDeleteYeah for eggnog oats! Love the cute pic of Pepper!
ReplyDeleteHahaha! Cats always find the funniest spots to sit in!
ReplyDeletehehehe...what a funny kitty!
ReplyDeleteegg nog oats sound fantastic! enjoy the rest of your weekend :D
ReplyDeleteeggnog oats?? mmmmmmm......... delish!!!
ReplyDeleteKitty! Yay!
ReplyDeleteGood looking soup - mom was going to make some, but then decided to throw out the turkey bones. Boooo.
And I'm interested to see how you like the Israeli couscous. I've never tried it myself.